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News and Rumors:

1.23.01 - Conrifmation of Millennia show
Philander has been confirmed with either Deacon Steve or another band to play Feb 9th at Club Millennia in Jessup. Everyone who came last time come again and bring everyone ya know. This time you dont have to worry about flying jacass guitarist diving in the crowd...

1.19.01 - Club Millenia
We jus got back from the show and it was the best yet! So many people showed up and suported us and bought our CD but on a lower note some of the CD's made by Jim Torre were burnt wrong. Jim burnt Tormenting as the first and fourth song, excluding Stupid from the CD. Anyone who bought a CD and has this wrong with it just come to Club Millennia Feb 9th and we'll be happy to replace it with a good one. Thanx to everyone who came and kicked ass!!

1.17.01 - www.PhilanderMusic.com Up Anyday Now
Philander's Manager Greg Opalka has purchased www.PhilanderMusic.com and is in the proccess of creating it. He is also the one responsible for the Merchendise. Let's here some credit in the direction of him! Greg Opalka...

1.12.01 - Club Millenia
Philander is playing Club Millenia in Jessup with a Pearl Jam/Nirvana type band. Friday, January 19th, doors open at 7 and close at around 11. Philander will also be playing Feb 17th with Disestablishment in scranton at Cafe' Del Sol... more on that as it becomes closer...

1.8.01 - New Original
Philander made a new original song that will be on their full length CD due out in may or june called "Waste Of Time". 11.5.00 - CD and Cassette Selling
If everything goes to plan on November 10th we will be goin into Rock Street Music Studios in Pittston and the ideal costs will be: $3 for CDs and $2 for Cassettes. See anyone in Philander to buy one.

10.28.00 - Battle Of The Bands
I know we didn't mention alot about this Battle Of The Bands we played but we couldn't expect too many people to get carted to Clark Summit to see us but we ended up coming in first place and winning studio time. We would like to thank Kel, Mindi, Maura, Britt, Al, Casey, Leigh, Andrew, Chris, Erin, Tom, Colin, Joe, Johnny, Curtis, and Graig... all those crazy motherfukkers in the pit and the crowd surf! You people made tonite the craziest damn night at the Newton Center. So keep an eye out for the Philander demo in very near future.

10.16.00 - Radio!
We have been offered Radio Time on 90.7 and we plan to save up $50 each ($50 x 5 = $250) plus 50 more ($300) and hit the studio. More to come...

10.15.00 - Long Time No News
Once again we've gone long without news but Hayleys party turned out to be a disaster everythin music wise went wrong but we had some crazy pits. Everyone who was gettin into the music we thank extremely and urge you to come to our next show so we can perform better for you. Check our Showdates.

9.7.00 - Confessions
Sorry about the no news for a while but nuthin really has happened for a while untill Aaron from Barron decided to tell us something thing, and i quote... "hi! i'm a 12 year old girl and i love your music even though i don't know a pile of cow crap from good music! i thiknk you guys are so awesome! please play at my birthday party and hang out with Barney and all my other friends and family! we all love people who bang on instruments and make very annoying noise! you're all dream boats! <3 <3 <3" Well Aaron, all of us from Philander are happy to have you as a fan and we all really appreciate you callin us Dream Boats but we are infact... Straight... Yes, im sorry but if your into stuff like that right by Tinks there's a club call "The Sillouette Lounge" im sure you can meet some real nice guys there but you should prolly get over your Barney thing... L8R

7.19.00 - Rain Rain Go Away...
Watching the Weather Channel Philander witnessed a forecast for Saturday July 22nd. It said Rainy and Cloudy. So far there are no changes but check back for updates.

7.14.00 - Vacation Interfears
The Baron Bassist and Drummer are goin to be on vacation durrin the show on July 22nd so Baron will not be playing with Philander. Anyone who was going with Baron is still very welcome to come and hang out. Philander and Baron will get together for a show maybe a week or two after. So EVERYONE remember...July 22nd, 6-10, Philander playin originals and cool covers from Rage, Disturbed, Green Day and Deftones. 7.11.00 - Concert Info!
The concert has been set for July 22nd, 6 O'Clock at Brads House. Baron will be opening for Philander. Please mail Me ([email protected]) to say if your coming or not, we need to know. AND YOU BETTER MOVE WHEN PHILANDER PLAYS!!

7.10.00 - Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap
After Jim was volunteered by everyone except him he was chosen to call and break the news to Bee. He did as polite as possible and he got nothing but obsenities from both Bee and his mom (Yes, his mom) And in a rempage his mom barreled to Brads house to get Bees Voice Proccessor. When Philander asked for stuff from Bee that had been borrowed she asked for a $5 fee. So Philander will all pitch in a dollar and buy her card from the sympothy section and it will read "Dear Mrs. Bevilacqua, Heres your $5 that you asked for to get our stuff back, we all know you need it...use it wisely"

7.5.00 - Concert in Near Future
Philander has started to plan a concert in the near future...more details to come

6.30.00 - New Songs Titles
Most familiar songs will be taking new names such Cold being changed to Tormenting, due to lyric re-writting.

6.29.00 - Out With The Old, In With The New...Singer
After Bee really never did anything when he came over, when he acually came over, Philander started searching for a new singer around Febuary 2000. June 25th 2000 Philander got talking to an old friend of Brad's, Ivan Karosus, He came over to practice and fit perfect. So Ivan is now in the band and they are planning for concerts and new recordings of brand new songs.

6.6.00 - Philander in the Lakeland Lance
Philander had an article in the Lakeland Lance newspaper. That article will be posted once I get my hands on it...

6.6.00 - WOW!!
I know there hasn't been any news in a long time but we're basically just tryin to get money and new songs cuz we're pretty sick off playin the same 7 over and over. So keep an eye out for us, L8R

4.29.00 - Concert
Well even tho the Joe Terry Center kicked us out and the other 2 bands dropped off we managed to pull off a pretty good concert even with the technical dificulties that happened during the show including: Jims amp/chord screwin up, Bees PA screwin up and basically being in great need of a sound system. In all it was cool and Philander gives a big thanx and sorry for everyone who came to the poor effort for a make up concert. Keep tuned for better concerts that are comin up...

4.25.00 - BAD News
Just when you think Barons name situation is the worste of our problems the Joe Terry Center has canceled our reservations there and will not allow us to play our LONG awaited concert with The Tied Eyes and Baron. And like always of course you know the cops had something to do with it. For more information email me. And if you were a ticket buyer email me with "Philander Tickets" as the subject.

4.18.00 - Not Over Yet!....
Just when you thought everything was done and settled with the band name for Locust/Pestilence/The Barren/Baron it seems that there is already a band named Locust so they are back to Baron.

4.10.00 - The Barren and Pestilence = Locust
Pestilence and The Barren are thrown away and now they have decided to use Locust. Which i think is much better than The Barren but I still kinda like Pestilence better.

4.8.00 - Battle of the Bands...Sad ending
Unfortunatly, we got 4th place at the Battle of the Bands but nuthin can bring us too down with all of our friends there with us so BIG Thanx to: SaRaH, Marla, Brandy, Maura, April, Amy, Erin, Keen and everyone else who was there! The set list stayed as said below

4.5.00 - Amy's Party
Amy's party will be on Saturday, June 24th and time is TBA...see Show Dates

4.5.00 - Battle of the Bands Philander Set List
This is the suposed set list for the Battle of the Bands, Its is very subject to change...
Bad Thoughts
Brain Stew (Green Day Cover)
Leave Me Alone
Bulls On Parade (Rage Against The Machine Cover)
What Happened To Me

4.3.00 - Battle of the Bands II
...We will be the opening band because we were the last to sign up and we will possibly be doin covers from Rage, KoRn and Green Day. It is on Saturday, April 8th at the Newton Civic Center in Clark Summit, 4 Dollars for the admission and there will be 3 other bands and its just gonna kick ass, so go if ya can.

3.31.00 - Pestilence/Baron
Pestilence/Baron cannot decide on what name to choose, its a 3 (Baron) to 2 (Pestilence) battle. if you want you can go to their site and email Will Esgro about what YOU think

3.27.00 - Battle of the Bands!
Philander is officially in the Battle of the Bands in Clark Summit at the Newton Center! More information to come on directions and admission fees!...Stayed Tuned

3.26.00 - Poll Results
Check out the poll results by goin here !

3.22.00 - Bee's Back
Bee is back in the band! We worked everything out.

3.18.00 - Pestilence = Baron
Pestilence landed on a new name for the band and thats Baron, so get used to it and remember it.

3.17.00 - Bee Officially out of Philander
Philander has officially dropped singer Bee. Bee made up a bullshit story to avoid a small concert on friday...leaving Philander instrumental that night. As most of Philander's friends know this is not the first time Bee has not showed up for something like practice.

3.13.00 - The No News Blues
The no news blues is upon Philander and their show partners so I'll just stress that you guys should definetly send some Phan Art, Philander Phan Of The Month, and anyhting else i ask you to send to me. Come on, im bored enough that whatever you send in It'll %99.9 of the time get on the page. Well L8R

3.11.00 - Wiltz telling other side of story
Wiltz just told us a story of someone from the band formaly known as Pestilance coming up to him in a library talking about both bands saying both that we're not their style and we're not good. So you call the shots for your opinion on hwos lying. We kinda Believe Will from the band formaly know as Pestilance's story.

3.10.00 - Pestilance undecided on name
Pestilance wants to get rid of their name and do not have a new name so for now get used to "The band formaly known as Pestilance"

3.6.00 - Pestilance = Good, Steve Wiltz = Bad
Steve Wiltz recently talked shit about Philander and blamed all word on Will Esgro (Manager and Technician...etc. of Pestilance) and after a conversation with Will he states he has not talked to Wiltz in a while nor even like him. So Philander and Pestilance are cool...More to come on fag Steve....

3.3.00 - Philander's Saving Up
Basically, Philander is poor and we need money for our speakers, so hook us up with any pocket change, Thanx

3.2.00 - Early ticket Selling!!
Philander has been passing out tickets to their first acual concert a little early. The charge is $3 and there will be some opening bands such as Pestilance(Valley View Kids), and The Tied Eyes (Jesse Vipon, Bill O'Connor, Phil Salko, and Matt Sweeny 'Lakeland'). See any Philander member for tickets. Email me to reserve tickets get them early because if your buying them at the door the door charge is $5, we gotta decide. so keep in mind that this is basically a dollar a band, not bad! So go and have a good time with the bands and some free food.

2.28.00 - 50/50 In Philander
After hearing some failing sources admit to give out false info and untrue quotes Brad and Ed are very willing for another chance for Bee but Jim and John are still debating...

2.27.00 - More on dropping a member
Philander has heard rumors about Bee talking major shit about Philander like such quotes as "Screw Philander" and "Yea, Try to find a singer with the balls". The group has been very patient with Bee and he said he would be over Brads house at 5:00 pm and when Jim called Bee at 5:50 and his he was at Amy's house again. More to come about this

2.26.00 - Contraversy within Philander
Rumors are going around about the dropping of Philander singer Bee. This is infact not true but the rest of Philander has been getting pretty mad about Bee's absence and the remark taken from someone that Bee has been trying to turn Philander punk.